Delaware is currently short 20,000+ housing units that are affordable for people and families in our communities. We believe the state should dedicate at least 1% of its budget to help fix this issue.
We demand state legislators and Governor Meyer allocate at least 1% of the state budget to our number one crisis—affordable housing. Join us by emailing your legislator now.
Rising costs for construction, land, and development are making it harder for people to find stable housing, and without strong public investment, affordable options will remain out of reach. Unfortunately, Delaware’s funding for affordable housing hasn’t kept up with the growing need (except for temporary federal pandemic relief). It’s time to invest in the people who make our communities strong by ensuring there are enough affordable places to live. The future of Delaware’s families and economy depends on it.
Sponsored by the Delaware Association of REALTORS®, Delaware Affordable Housing Coalition, Housing Alliance Delaware, and Home Builders Association of Delaware.